On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel

The story itself was good. I feel even worse for Derek Hale than I did just watching the show. I already understood why he was the way he was, but the flashbacks gave even more insight as to why he's so jaded, untrusting and gruff...and such a sour-wolf. The funny thing was I hated Kate Argent the moment she was introduced on the show, even before it was revealed that she was seven kinds of crazy. Man do I really hate her now.
I found Allison's character to be even more annoying than on the show. However, I like the idea of her and Scott making it as a couple. And it was nice to see a bit more of their 'love' and how it developed.
And Stiles was spot on. His character in the book was just like he is in the show. And Stiles from the show is a fair representation of Stiles from the original movie, minus the hair-brained money-making schemes.
All-in-all not a bad read. I wouldn't mind seeing another one with the writing more up to the reading level of the key readers, or perhaps even by another author. Not a knock against the writer, the story was well done. I just think she forgot who she was writing for. I've read other ya novels with a better understanding of the audience. Just saying.