An Unattractive Vampire

This is one of the best things I've read in vampire verse. Take an ancient, powerful vampire and throw him into the modern era where vampires are weak and beautiful. Throw in his nemesis reincarnated into the body of sociopathic eight-year-old boy, and an older sister who is taking zero crap. Shenanigans ensue. It's the battle of the ugly, ancient, and powerful versus the beautiful, famous, and not-so-bright.
While I did find the sister, Amanda, to be extraordinarily annoying, I found Simon, the boy nemesis to be very amusing. He kept Yulric--and basically everyone--on their toes. And I am totally on Yulric's side, because vampires are not actors pretending to be human, pretending to be vampires, and they certainly do not sparkle...But we can keep the good looks, lol.
It's a must read for fans of humor and vampires, and people who thought WTF?! after reading the sparkly vampire books.