Review: Go Ask Alice

I don't know what to say about this book.
I don't know how I feel about this book.
This book was haunting. It was horrifying. It was sad. It was heartbreaking.
This is basically a handbook for what not to do when you're a teenager. This poor girl. I can't even pretend to imagine what it was like to walk in her shoes. To think that her addiction began with so-called friends drugging her. And once the cycle began she couldn't pull herself out for very long.
And she tried. I believe she tried and desperately wanted to get clean and stay that way. And the way people treated her while she was trying to fly straight... It doesn't surprise me that people could do the things to her they did. People of all ages can be so horrible.
And I'll forever wonder if she slipped, or if someone, once again, pushed her off the wagon without her consent.
I will never truly understand addiction because I have never been--unless you count Pepsi Throwbacks because man was I ever hooked on them! The difference is, when I quit them, I didn't have people trying to force me back into my dependence on them.
This was beautifully sad and I don't thnk I'll ever be able to read it again. It was that kind of novel.