Review: You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir

This was amazing. It was funny, as expected, but also sad. I love how Felicia grew up "weird"; I feel like we all grow up in varying degrees of weird. It's what makes us who we are. It was fascinating hearing, in her own words, in her own voice, her childhood, her initial trip into the interwebs, her gaming obsession. It was sad to hear about her descent into depression, and the decline of not only her mental health but her physical heath. Her slow journey back to to good form was heartening. Creating her webshow and learning all it entailed was surprising and it made me so happy that she never gave up and ended up with own company. Sometimes I forget she was behind Geek & Sundry. We're not even going to talk about internet trolls and especially not gamer gate. This look into Felicia's life, a person who's content, I have greately enjoyed over the years was super fun and I think I got misty-eyed a time or two. I have the paperback and the audiobook and I find listing to the audio by the author always makes the read/listen that much better. This did not disappoint.