Review: A Christmas Story

More of a 3.75. I have the ebook and the audiobook. I listened the the audiobook and it was the most disappointing part of the book. Being used to hearing Jean Shepard's narration, it was a shock to the system to hear someone else telling the story. Especially because their narration was bland and a little momotoned. All of the movie is there--with minor changes here and there. The story switches back and forth between older Ralphie's present day and him flashing back to memories from his childhood. It isn't all one long story based on Christmas like in the movie. It was funny and a little weird considering I have been watching the movie multiple times a year since the 80's. The story of the movie is ingrained in my memory, so it was odd hearing the story as a mish-mash of seperate memories. Not a bad story, though I do regret purchasing the audio version.