Review: The Paper Magician

Wherein we meet Ceony, a young Apprentice Magician who is forced into paper magic out of necessity. There are too few Paper Magicians, or Folders, in the country, and from time to time a student has the medium forced upon them to keep it from dying out.
Emery Thane is introduced as Ceony's teacher. An odd man, whose talent for folding is astounding. It doesn't take long for Ceony to develop a grudging like for her strange teacher, and the medium of folding.
Shenanigans ensue when someone from Thane's past attacks him in his home and it's up to Ceony and per paper puppy companion Fennel to save the day.
This book was lovely. The story was original and kept my interested the whole way through. The characters were likable. Fennel was my favorite and must be protected at all costs. I love the fact that though it's the first in a series, this book had a clear ending and was not a cliffhanger. A fun read and the audiobook was wonderful. The narrator did a wonderful job with the voices and her telling of the story kept me attentive.